In 2020, FAFU got partly involved in the funding of essential medicine and treatment for some serious cases of cancer in children from challenging backgrounds. It is shocking to see how children are refused treatment unless they raise the required funds and are forced to beg in the traffic in Kampala, trying to appeal to the public with their often very obvious tumors. Some of the children failed to even raise funds for the initial scans and so were yet to be diagnosed properly, even though the cancer was seeming to be growing at a rapid pace. Aside from the medicine and treatment, FAFU was privileged to come across a wonderful researcher Marta, who was working for an initiative with Cambridge University at the time. Marta spent a lot of time on the children’s ward in Mulago Hospital and recognised a huge need to spruce the place up. It’s sad and dated feel made the place even more miserable and she observed how young children really had nothing at all to take their mind off their illnesses. She came up with an inspired idea to set up a playroom for the kids. She fundraised partly through Fund a Future and through other sources to get toys and learning equipment donated for the room, as well as a TV. Together with a group of volunteers, she painted the walls of the ward with bright and fun pictures and really transformed the environment. This informal project is ongoing and certainly something we will continue to be a part of where possible in the future!